"LUZ" CD (2013)

"Invisible" CD (2010)

"Of Soul and Shadow" CD (2007)

"Vida" CD (2004)

"Compassion" CD (1998)

"The Fruit of Eden" CD (1996)

Monday, February 15, 2010


Although my new CD won't be officially released nationwide until March 16, it is already available exclusively at "Luismunoz.net".
Also, don't forget our upcoming shows:
2/19/10, 3/5/10 and 3/19/10, from 7 to 10:00 PM, all free!, at "My Florist", ( 76 South Oak Street, Ventura, CA 93001-2702. (805) 653-0003),
4/29/10 at Soho: 1221 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA.(805) 962-7776, at 8:00 PM. Hope to see you! Luis.

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