"LUZ" CD (2013)

"Invisible" CD (2010)

"Of Soul and Shadow" CD (2007)

"Vida" CD (2004)

"Compassion" CD (1998)

"The Fruit of Eden" CD (1996)

Thursday, September 13, 2007


On Saturday, October 13th, at 3:30 PM, I will be performing at the Santa Barbara Festival of Arts in CA. Joining me will be Jonathan Dane: Trumpet, Tom Etchart: Bass, George Friedenthal: Keyboards, Jon Nathan: Marimba, Narciso Sotomayor: Guitar and Kevin Winard: percussion. Hope to see you there! And don't forget our next performance, on Thurday, September 27th at the Vic For Jazz in Santa Monica, CA. 8:00 and 10:00 PM shows. Luis.

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